Lens Clens #1
A heavy duty cleaner with a cutting and lifting action to remove persistent oil films, gumming and smearing deposits, which is our most aggressive and most popular cleaner.
APPLICATIONS: For the cleaning of soiled optical surfaces mounted or unmounted. Recommended in field kits for cleaning instruments such as binoculars, transits, cameras, projector lenses, microscopes, telescopes, lasers, micro-graphics, etc. DO NOT USE ON PLASTICS!

Lens Clens #2
A solution specially prepared for front surface mirrors.
APPLICATIONS: For cleaning front surface aluminized optical mirrors and soiled uncoated optical components, such as camera mirrors, precision reflectors, optical windows, preparation of components for assembly, etc. DO NOT USE ON PLASTICS!

Lens Clens #3
A proprietary “final cleaning” solution. These solutions are reagent grade chemicals free of any residual oils or trace contaminants. For best results apply after using #1 solution.
APPLICATIONS: For the cleaning of optical components in the final surface preparation for vacuum,deposition (coating) cementing, optical contacting and other areas of optical fabrication.

Lens Clens #4
A solution especially suitable for plastic optical elements.
APPLICATIONS: For plastic camera, viewer, adapter lenses and other elements such as rear projection and micro-graphic screens.

Lens Clens | Clens Kit
CLENS KIT is a convenient, totally equipped and packaged “OPTICAL CLEANING KIT” with sealed optical grade cotton tips and cloths together with four professional grade LENS CLENS solutions. Our kit solves the problem of providing for and storing the proper cleaning solution and wiping material for any application.

Lens Clens | Clens Cloths
Ten non-abrasive, static free, highly absorbent optical cleaning tissues in a contamination free, plastic bag. Each cloth is 2-ply (3 1/4″ wide x 16″ long). Five sealed inner packets, containing two cloths each, come inside the sealed outer package. Outer package contains ten 2-ply cloths.

Lens Clens | Clens Tips
Ten optical grade cotton swabs, sealed in a contamination free, plastic bag

Special – Lens Clens #1 (Pint or Quart) and selected variety of 1.7 oz./50 ml bottles of Lens Clens #1 (select from drop down menu).
ALL LENS CLENS solutions are packaged in polyethylene bottles, but only the small bottle has a special dropper tip nozzle capable of producing a single drop of solution. To refill the small bottles with pints or quarts read “FAQ’s by Photographers”, or read the instructions on the specials page. Please note that we reserve the right to substitute our older style Lens Clens #1 bottles for blank bottles in the “options” listed below (while quantities last).

Special – Multiple Bottles of Lens Clens
ALL LENS CLENS solutions are packaged in polyethylene bottles, but only the small bottle has a special dropper tip nozzle capable of producing a single drop of solution. Turn the bottle upside down for drops and squeeze gently.

Special – Empty Bottles
We are now Offering Empty 2 oz. Bottles at the Following Prices:
All Bottles below come with caps, and a controlled dropper tip.

Special – Replacement Nozzle Tips
We are now Offering Replacement Nozzle Tips at the Following Prices:
You can order in groups of 5 or 10.